Ecology of Marine Fish

Ecology of Marine Fish

LePage, Mario; Lobry, Jeremy; Cabral, Henrique; Le Pape, Olivier

Elsevier Science & Technology






15 a 20 dias

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1. History of marine fishes ecology
2. The diversity and life history patterns of marine fishes
3. Early life stages of marine fishes
4. Fish growth: patterns and modelling
5. Fish movements
6. Trophic ecology of fishes
7. Reproduction of marine fishes
8. Behaviour of marine fishes
9. Methods for estimating the occurrence and abundance of marine fishes
10. Spatial and temporal patterns in the distribution of fishes
11. Modelling fish species richness and abundance
12. Connectivity and genetic structure of marine fish populations
13. The role of fish in marine food webs
14. Assessing functional diversity in marine fish assemblages
15. Main typologies of marine fish communities
16. Habitat degradation
17. Fisheries impacts on marine fish populations
18. Climate change impacts on marine fish populations and communities
19. Conservation of marine fish
20. Restoration of fish habitats, populations and communities
21. Future perspectives in the study of fish ecology
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Acidification; Activity; Aggressiveness; Anthropogenic impacts; Aquaculture; Area-based conservation; Artificial reefs; Asymptotic growth; Behavior; Behavioral syndrome; Bentho-pelagic coupling; Bioenergetic; Bioenergetics; Body size; Boldness; Climate change; Coastal fishes; Community assembly rules; Community ecology; Continental shelf; Coping style; Coral reefs fish; Deep-sea; Development; Diadromy; Diel vertical migration; Diet; Diversity; Diversity indices; DNA; Early life stages; Ecological modeling; Ecological science; Ecological theory; Ecology; Ecology origins; Ecomorphology; Ecosystem models; Ecosystem services; Ecosystem-based conservation; Effective population size; Egg; Estimation of growth; Eutrophication; Evolution; Factors of variability; Feces; Fecundity; Feeding; Fish; Fish assemblage; Fish assemblage survey; Fish community; Fish distribution; Fish ecology; Fish naturalists; Fisheries management; Fisheries-induced evolution; Fishery; Fishing impact; Food-web; Functional indicators; Functional patterns; Functional traits; Gears; Genetic adaptation; Genetic differentiation; Genetic diversity; Global change; Growth; Growth curves; Growth patterns; Habitat; Habitat loss; History of science; IUCN Red List; Juvenile; Knowledge gaps; Large-scale movement; Larva; Larval dispersal; Life history; Life-cycle; Lipids; Litter; Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids; Management and monitoring; Mapping; Marine; Marine ecosystems; Marine historical ecology; Marine protected areas; Maternal effects; Migration; Modeling; Models; Morphology; Nonindigenous species; No-take zones; Nursery areas; Oceans' past; Ontogeny; Open-ocean; Overfishing; Personality; Physiology; Poleward shift; Pollution; Population genetics; Population genomics; Predictive models; Projections; Recruitment overfishing; Regurgitates; Reproduction; Reproductive strategy; Research priorities; Resilience; Restoration scheme; Sampling designs; Science; Seagrass transplant; Seascape genetics; Shellfish reefs; Size and trophic spectrum; Size-structured predation; Sociality; Soundscape; Spatial and temporal scales; Spawning; Spawning behavior; Species distribution models; Species richness; Stable isotopes; Stocks status; Stomach contents; Taxonomy; Technical and technological advances; Techniques; Technological advances for ecological science; Trait-based approaches; Trait-environmental relationships; Transoceanic movement; Transport; Trophic controls; Trophic ecology; Trophic guilds; Vulnerability